Lietuvių Fondo naujienos

Pasižymėkite datą:Lietuvių Fondo 62-asis metinis narių suvažiavimas
Kur:Pasaulio lietuvių centras, Banio šeimos salė14911 127th St., Lemont, IL 60439
Kada:2025 m. balandžio 26 d.Registracija: 9:00 val. r.
Suvažiavimo pradžia: 10:00 val. r.
Suvažiavimo metu bus perskaitytas Lietuvių Fondo 2024 metų veiklos pranešimas, vyks rinkimai į Lietuvių Fondo tarybą. Į tarybą bus renkami 5 (penki) nariai trijų metų kadencijai.
Raginame visus LF narius balsuoti internetu. Taip pat galima balsuoti paštu arba asmeniškai suvažiavimo metu.
Siūlome susipažinti su kandidatais į LF tarybą.
Lietuvių Fondo 2024 metų ataskaita yra pateikta leidinyje „Liepsna”. Leidinį ir balsavimo informaciją LF nariai gaus paštu.Naujausią informaciją apie suvažiavimą rasite ir tiesioginę transliaciją galėsite stebėti internetu LF svetainės puslapyje.
The Lithuanian Foundation News |
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Save the date:The Lithuanian Foundation 62nd Annual Members’ MeetingWhere:Lithuanian World Center, Banys Family Hall14911 127th St., Lemont, IL 60439When:April 26, 2025Registration: 9:00 AMMembers’ meeting: 10:00 AMDuring the meeting, the Lithuanian Foundation’s 2024 Activity Reports will be presented and LF Board elections will be held. Elections will be held for 5 (five) Board members, each for a three (3) year term. We strongly encourage all members to vote their proxies via the internet. You may also vote by mail and in person during the annual meeting.Please read their bios and get familiar with the nominated candidates.All LF Members will receive “Liepsna,” which contains the Lithuanian Foundation’s 2024 annual report, and voting information by mail. The report can also be found on the LF website. All the latest event updates and live-stream details will be regularly posted on the event web page.View Annual Report The Lithuanian Foundation is accepting 2025 grant applicationsThe application deadline is April 1, 2025.The Lithuanian Foundation is dedicated to supporting projects that contribute to the preservation of the Lithuanian heritage. As such, the Foundation concentrates its resources on those projects that demonstrate the potential for far-reaching benefits to the Lithuanian community and the community at large. The Foundation gives priority and invests in new, innovative programs as well as established programs in the diaspora community, intending to support those grant requests that collaborate with other programs to provide a synergistic benefit to the community.More information and the application The Lithuanian Foundation is now on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!Stay connected with us through your preferred channels for exclusive content, including updates on our scholarship recipients, grant programs, LF-sponsored events, and more. Thank you for reading and supporting the Lithuanian Foundation!Donate today ![]() You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing address is: Lithuanian Foundation Inc. 14911 E 127th St Lemont, IL 60439-7417 USA Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe |