Lietuviai pasaulyje

Aurelija Dobrovolskienė – geriausia mėnesio darbuotoja. Caregiver of Month – Aurelija Dobrovolskiene

Written by Redakcija · 1 min read


Kiekvieno mūsų, gimusių, augusių, mokslus išėjusių Lietuvoje, kelias į Ameriką skirtingas, o pasirinktas darbas ne tik neretai, bet dažnai neatitinka Lietuvoje įgyto išsilavinimo, turimos kvalifikacijos

Priežasčių nemažai – vienam – kalbos barjeras, kitam – legalumo problemos, trečiam – įgūdžių stoka automobilio vairavimui ir pan., o dirbti reikia. Na ir dr viena priežastis – tai auksinės jaunystės ruduo, kada jau dviračio neišradinėsi ir naujos karjeros nebepasieksi. Todėl dažniausiai pasirenkamas darbas padėti žmonėms su negalia. Tų negalių yra įvairių – nuo fizinės iki psichikos sutrikimo. Toks ligonis gali gyventi savo namuose, tik jam reikalinga pastovi slaugytojo pagalba čia ir dabar. Taigi, tokį darbą beveik tris dešimtis metų atlieka ir inžinierė iš Vilniaus Aurelija Dobrovolskienė.
Laisvu laiku Aurelija aktyviai sportuoja, o sekmadieniais (kai nedirba) su malonumu gieda Čikagos Marquette Park bažnyčios chore, taip pat ir Lietuvių Operoje.
Aurelija priklauso tokiai žmonių grupei, kurie labai atsakingai atlieka darbą, padeda bėdos ištiktiems žmonėms lengviau pragyventi dienas.
Už nuoširdų ir puikų darbą jos darbdaviai išrinko Mėnesio Slaugytoja (Caregiver)

Caregiver of Month – Aurelija Dobrovolskiene

Join us in congratulating Aurelija Dobrovolskiene who is our Caregiver of the month. Two main reasons she was nominated was because of her dependability and reliability.
Aurelija has been a caregiver for 30 years, the past 8 years with Home Helpers. She says over the years she has learned so much and it has become easier. She also says she has become more patient and learns a lot from her clients too. The key she says is listening and trying to understand the clients as each one is different. She sometimes asks the family of any likes or dislikes and is willing to change and try to do things differently if they prefer.
Another suggestion she offers is to not think of the patient in their current state if they are frail or have challenges. Perhaps look at old photos of them when they were more active and think of them when they were able to get dressed and get around more.
She enjoys helping clients by making their every day tasks easier. She is happy to please them. She finds great satisfaction and it is meaningful to her that she is able to help them with their needs.
Aurelija attended music school and is a trained vocalist. She sings with her church choir as well as the Lithuanian Opera in Chicago. Music makes her happy. She also tries to stay active. Her goal is to walk 10,000 steps per day. She stopped swimming during the pandemic but hopes to get back to the pool when things are better.

Thank you Aurelija and congratulations.