Good morning, Labas rytas,
As you know, investigating the origin of thinking, of consciousness, is of paramount importance in my artwork. With Valentine’s Day rapidly approaching, and romance in the air, there are two current motion pictures that broach these three important issues.
“Love Me” deals with an AI-infused buoy and an AI-infused satellite that connect with each other, in a post-apocalyptic world. Emulating one couple’s Instagram postings, they gradually develop a romantic relationship that evolves over a billion years. Yes, this sounds absurd. But, the story line and visual elements, as they evolve, are very convincing of a true human-like connection. This is a great romantic movie well worthy of your Valentine Day’s attention.
“Ex Machina” from a decade ago, is an incredible example of AI-infused robotics going dreadfully wrong. The current film, “Companion” elaborates this theme much, much further. This film is dreadful, but believable: AI romance that ends in disaster.
Both films deal with AI systems which appear to develop consciousness. My opinion is that artificial (non-biologic) systems cannot become conscious. I find John Searl’s Chinese room thought experiment to be extremely convincing. A 5-minute explanation, by Searle himself, can be seen in this YouTube video. Furthermore, I have not encountered any convincing counter arguments.
In 1998 I addressed the origin of consciousness in my art installation “Consciousness Defined.” This was first shown at the Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture in Chicago, and then at Cleveland State University. “Consciousness is a biologic phenomenon emerging from the lateral interaction of cerebral cortical neurons.” Please take a look at this installation, and my explanation, in this YouTube video.
Wishing all of you a romantic, AI-infused Valentine’s Day. For evening entertainment, after viewing my video, “Love Me” would be a good choice.
Sincerely, Pagarbiai, Audrius

Artistic Explorations of Thought